How to Take Care of Your OverWeight Baby

Obesity among kids is on the rise triggering numerous health problems. There are many contributing factors to your baby being overweight, and each child’s case is different. Weight issue in children is often a sensitive topic since it is likely to hurt your child’s feelings. As a result, many parents and guardians remain silent and hope the issue sorts itself out. However, this ought not to be the case as there are ways to help your baby get healthy. By working with a pediatrician, you make sure the baby slims down safely. Implement the tips below on how to take care of your overweight child.


Few Things To Take Care of Your OverWeight Baby

Make Diet Changes

One way of taking care of your overweight baby is altering the diet. As you do this, it is imperative to start small. Do not attempt to overhaul the meals all at once. Instead, make a few modifications at a time since small manageable tweaks have high chances of lasting for a lifetime. Switch your baby’s sugar-sweetened beverages like juice and soda with water or milk that has little fat. You also need to ensure the child has a healthy breakfast. Doing this makes the kid feel full and thus prevents overeating later on in the day. You should also look at these healthy eating habits and apply them to your family’s lifestyle.

Get Moving

An active routine is beneficial to the whole family, regardless of weight or age. Engaging in physical activities builds skills and make you feel good about yourself. It also shields you from many lifestyle –related diseases thus benefiting your overweight baby. According to experts, kids only need 60 minutes of physical activity daily. If your child is not yet active, motivate them to work towards that goal. Find activities that your baby enjoys and encourage them to spend time engaging in them rather than staying in front of the computer or TV. Too much television time is linked with weight issue sin children as they are not active. Food advertisements on the TV also encourage the kids to eat even when they are not hungry. Take a look at more activity tips that benefit your overweight baby.

get Moving

Be A Role Model

As you think of how to take care of your overweight child, it is imperative that you set a good example. Kids pick up habits from parents, and one way to encourage your child to eat well or stay active is to do that yourself. Set a great example by going for a bike ride than watch TV or surf. Instead of singling out the overweight baby, talk to the entire family about making healthy changes. Once you do this, ensure everyone including yourself adheres to the new lifestyle changes. Doing this makes the kid learn these habits easily.

Baby Health

Avoid Diets and Supplements

When your baby is overweight, your first impulse is on put them on a diet. Unless the pediatrician recommends this approach, avoid extreme types of calorie-cutting plans. Such programs prevent the kid from getting the nutrients necessary for growth. These programs also teach children that some items are bad, and this alters how the baby’s opinion about food later in their life. Weight loss supplements and drugs are also not a good idea; unless the doctor prescribes them. They are not safe as there is little research on the manner in which the pills affect kids.

avoid supplements

Be Supportive

An overweight child often leads to psychological issues in some children. As a parent, you need to talk to your baby about how they feel. Tell the child that they are loved, important and extraordinary. Listen to any concerns the baby has about the weight since they know better than anybody that they have weight issues. Support your child by setting specific goals with them and track the progress. Be positive by rewarding successes with hugs and praises. Another option is to involve a healthcare professional who specializes in handling babies. Undergoing counselling increases the kid’s self-esteem and confidence. It also enables them to develop coping strategies for bullying and teasing.

be supportive

With the above guidelines on how to take care of your overweight baby, you no longer have to take a back seat. Some of the strategies above make your child lose weight and stay healthy. Others help them feel loved and cope with the trauma that comes with being overweight around other babies. If you make these modifications, and there is still no change psychologically, physically or emotionally, talk to a pediatrician. They have the expertise to guide you through a personalized formal-weight control program. Most importantly, support your baby throughout the process regardless of the outcome.

Read Here: How Do You Teach A Baby To Walk

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